Delphi Read Excel File
Posted : adminOn 11/15/2017This is a list of file formats used by computers, organized by type. Filename extensions are usually noted in parentheses if they differ from the file format name or. Delphi on 64 bit Windows 7 Some 64 bit Windows notes File location 32 bit programs will be installed on cProgram Files x86 as 64 bit software will be installed. Need programming help Weve got your covered. Discussion. Description There are plenty of reasons for you to want your application to be able to accept drops from other applications. Often you may just want to accept a file. The Drag and Drop Component Suite for Delphi. Status. Latest version 5. Released 1. 7 aug 2. Download. The Drag and Drop Component Suite is a freeware VCL component library that enables your Delphi and CBuilder applications to support COM based drag and drop and integrate with the Windows clipboard. The drag and drop system that is built into the VCL, is limited in that it only supports drag and drop within the same application. If you need to drag data from your application to other applications e. Word, Explorer or Outlook, or if you need to be able to accept data dropped from other application e. Explorer, you have to use COM based drag and drop. COM based drag and drop is an integral and very important part of the Windows user interface and the Drag and Drop Component Suite makes it very easy to leverage all the features of COM based drag and drop in your own Delphi and CBuilder applications. Every drag and drop operation involves two objects A drop source and a drop target. The drop source provides the data to be dragged, and the drop target accepts the dragged data. Likewise there are basically two sets of components in the Drag and Drop Component Suite Drop source components and drop target components. Most of the source and target components are specialized to handle just one type of data, but a few of the components supports a wider range of data types or are completely generic. In addition to the drag and drop components, the Drag and Drop Component Suite also includes components that can be used to build Windows Shell Extensions. While these components arent all related to Drag and Drop, they benefit from the Drag and Drop Component Suite framework and allow you to write Windows Shell Extensions with very little code. But most important I had a lot of fun writing them. E2Pmenu.png' alt='Delphi Read Excel File' title='Delphi Read Excel File' />Delphi Tutorials Technical and managerial tutorials shared by internet community. You can submit your tutorial to promote it. Discover how to save in Excel using keyboard shortcuts, plus how to save one or more worksheets in PDF format. Stepbystep instructions are included. Barcode ActiveX Controls, Software Printing Code 39 Code 128 EAN13 EAN8 UPCA UPCE Datamatrix PDF417, Office, Excel, Access, Word, Delphi, Visual Basic, IE, IIS. Im using this code to load an excel spreadsheet containing only numbers. But it takes too long to load the whole file into a stringgrid, anyone know a faster way to. A worksheet or sheet is a single page in a file created with an electronic spreadsheet program such as Excel or Google Spreadsheets. How To Model And Design High Rise Buildings Using Etabs.Pdf. A workbook is the name given to. How to create your own installer using Inno Setup Launch the Inno Setup Compiler app. In the welcome prompt, select Create a new script file using the Script Wizard. Features Freeware with full source code included. Enables COM drag and drop of any kind of data between applications. Copy, Move and Link operations. Clipboard Copy, Cut and Paste support. Support and implement advanced features such as Delete on paste and Optimized Move. Drag image support. Supports both Ansi and Unicode data formats, regardless of the version of Delphi used. Supports asynchronous transfer. Both on the source and target side. Automatic scrolling of the target window during the drag operation. Relatively simple to derive custom drag and drop components to support other data formats. Extensive, context sensitive help file and detailed demo applications. Implements the IDrop. Source, IDrop. Target, IData. Object and IAsync. Operation interfaces. Compatible with Delphi 5 through Delphi 2. Components. The Drag and Drop Component Suite contains the following components Drop Sources Drop Targets. TDrop. File. Source Enables you to drag files and shortcuts from your application to other applications. TDrop. Text. Source Enables you to drag text from your application to other applications. TDrop. BMPSource Enables you to drag bitmaps from your application to other applications. TDrop. URLSource Enables you to drag URLs from your application to other applications. TDrop. PIDLSource Enables you to drag PIDLs files, folders, shell objects from your application to other applications. TDrop. Empty. Source A basic drop source component that does not support any data formats on its own. Can be extended with support for any data format through the use of a TData. Format. Adapter component. TDrop. File. Target Enables your application to accept files and shortcuts dropped on it from other applications. TDrop. Text. Target Enables your application to accept text dropped on it from other applications. TDrop. BMPTarget Enables your application to accept bitmaps dropped on it from other applications. TDrop. Meta. File. Target Enables your application to accept meta files dropped on it from other applications. TDrop. URLTarget Enables your application to accept URLs dropped on it from other applications. TDrop. Combo. Target Enables your application to accept files, shortcuts, text, URLs, meta files, and bitmaps dropped on it from other applications. The component is basically all the above components rolled into one. TDrop. Image. Target Enables your application to accept meta files, and bitmaps dropped on it from other applications. The component is basically the TDrop. BMPTarget and the TDrop. Meta. File. Target components rolled into one. TDrop. PIDLTarget Enables your application to accept PIDLs files, folder, shell objects dropped on it from other applications. TDrop. Empty. Target A basic drop target component that does not support any data formats on its own. Can be extended with support for any data format through the use of a TData. Format. Adapter component. Shell Extensions Additional. TDrop. Handler Implements the necessary interfaces required to build Drop Handler shell extensions. A Drop Handler shell extension is used to turn file classes e. TDrag. Drop. Handler Implements the necessary interfaces required to build Drag. Drop Handler shell extensions. A Drop Handler shell extension is used to extend the popup menu which is displayed by the shell when a file is dragged with the right mouse button. TDrop. Context. Menu Implements the necessary interfaces required to build Context Menu Handler shell extensions. A Context Menu Handler is used to extend the shell popup menu which is displayed when a file is right clicked. TData. Format. Adapter Used to extends source or target components with support for arbitrary clipboard formats. TDrop. Dummy Helper component used to display drag images. License. This work is licensed under a. Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3. Unported License. Requirements. The library has been tested with the following versions of Delphi If you can confirm compatibility with any of the untested versions of Delphi or C Builder for that matter, please let me know and I will update the table. C Builder. I have done absolutely no testing with C Builder so I dont know if the code works with it or not. That said, according to feedback I have received, the current release should work with C Builder. Download Old versions. Old versions can be found on the downloads page. Installation. If you are using a previous version of The Drag and Drop Component Suite, uninstall that version first. Unzip the package to a folder of your choice. In the Packages folder, find the design time package that matches your version of Delphi. Open it in Delphi, Compile and Install. Locate the Library sub folder that matches your version of Delphi. Add it to the Delphi library search path. Optional Add the Source folder to the Delphi browsing path. Uninstallation. Open Delphi and uninstall the Drag and Drop Component Suite design time package. Remove the Library folder from the Delphi library search path. Remove the Source folder from the Delphi browsing path. Locate the folder where you installed The Drag and Drop Component Suite and delete that folder. Change log. Changes since version 4. Version 5. 2 1. 7 aug 2. Bug fixes The DOF files of the example projects has been fixed so they will be imported correctly in Delphi 2. Delphi 2. 01. 0. Delphi 2. Im afraid. Fixed memory leaks in TRaw. Clipboard. Format. Fixed bug in TRaw. Clipboard. Format that caused it to stop functioning after first use. TDrop. Context. Menu now properly supports nested context menus. An error could occur in a drop target if a drag operation was attempted on the target while an existing asynchronous transfer was in progress on it.